Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween's Cutest Cowboy

Things have been pretty exciting around here. The Rangers are keeping things interesting in the World Series, so Brayden is showing as much support as he can, wearing his Rangers jammies every night.
And I made Brayden a Halloween costume to go with his pony...

He was a rough, tough cowboy, belt buckle, chaps, pony and all!
He was just a little confused though. He did pretty well with "trick or treat", but when we tried to get him to talk like a "cow" boy, instead of saying "yeeha!" he said "moo".

We got to practice trick or treating on Saturday in the downtown area. Many of the local vendors handed out candy, and we promised the little buddy he could have treats if he just kept his costume on. And he did. I think the older he gets though, the more shy he becomes.

Sunday night was the real deal, and we met the neighbors at the end of the driveway to go as a group. Beulla did a great job!! She got a little jumpy as it got dark, so we parted ways with our group and headed home.

Here is a photo of all of the kids our age in the neighborhood:


Anonymous said...

definitely the cutest cowboy and pony ever!

Unknown said...

So cute, Halloween was so much fun with the little cool to be a parent.

Emily said...

love his costume (and his pony) - next time I'm home I want to come see you all!