Monday, July 26, 2010

Oh baby!

Here is beautiful baby number two (no cute nicknames, just baby number two...or your brother/sister, whatever we happen to be in the mood to say)!

Here is some sweet little face rubbing.
Baby is growing well, and is in about the 56th percentile.
Just like big brother!

Little baby waving to the camera, with an open hand.

Love the little belly!

A very perfect little spine.
The ultrasound puts us at 22 weeks and three days.
That would actually put our due date ahead one week,
but the doc says no reason to adjust it
(I may disagree around Thanksgiving!).

We'll get a mamma belly picture up soon!

Potty Training!

We started potty training Brayden a couple of weeks ago. The potty chair had been in the bathroom for a while, and he was always pulling at his wet diapers. Changing time was also becoming a bit of a screaming struggle. So we thought we would give it a shot. And the first couple of days went so well!
Our little Punkin' Head was so excited about his new big boy undies that he spent a good hour running around the living room and kitchen, shrieking with joy.
It makes me laugh just to look at these pictures.

By the end of the first day, he was running to the potty on his own when he had to "go". Then we had a change in plans with Grandpa Al's funeral and slapped the poor kid back in diapers.
It was a little confusing for him, but he was a good sport. We still try the potty, and have another weekend coming up, devoted just to potty trianing.

We've also been having cereal with milk. It's kinda messy, but worth the effort!
Cousin Lincoln turned one this last month, too.
We had a really fun time at the birthday party.

I even got to bake the birthday cake.
It was a six layer rainbow cake. YUM!

And there was a pinjata!

Everyone got a chance to whack it!

We also recieved a surprise visit from Super Baby!...I mean Super Toddler!

Don't let this picture fool you. Brayden is gearing up for a heated battle:
Twins vs. Rangers, September 4th.
Brayden will be wearing a Rangers hat (and a Twins shirt)
and new baby will be draped in Mamma's Twins shirt.
It's going to get ferocious around here!
We also had the new little baby's ultrasound this past friday,
and there is a good, healthy little one in there!
Ultrasound pictures coming soon!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Love ya Charlie Brown

Albert Wiliam Waldbillig

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July

Here are some quick pictures from Independance Day. I never broke out my camera (I don't know why), so these are a few from my mom's collection.

We went swimmin' off dock.

It was a little nerve rattling for Brayden.

Auntie Deandra tried to show him how much fun it was

But you just never know what you are going to find out there!

We had more fun later, when we didn't have to wear our life jacket, and Mavie could show us how to kick like a pro.

And as always, we spent some time with whatever critters we could find.

On Sunday, when Daddy had to work, we went up to the Robinson's cabin in Brainerd and hung out with the Waldbilling Nation
(yes there are enough to be a "nation", and no, they are not all in this picture...this is about 75% of the grandkids, and all of the great grandkids so far with Grandpa Al).

Oh, and I almost forgot. On Sunday morning, Brayden woke up very early...around 6am. So I filled him a milk cup and snuggled him into bed with me and ignored his wiggling around in hopes that sleep would find him again. About two seconds later, he peeled one of my eyes open and said "itsokay!".
It's okay, Mamma! Time to get up!

Father's Day and a perfect 350

Brayden made this for his daddy at daycare. It was his Father's Day present.
It is covered in his sweet little hand prints and says "You Rock My World!"
Isn't that so sweet?!?
I think Jeremiah thought it was pretty special.

Just days before Father's Day (we celebrated on that Saturday), our very lovely new oven was delivered. And, the house was converted over to natural gas, so it could even be hooked up...and used! And the house no longer smells yucky, like propane! Yea!
You will notice the knobs are missing, but don't be alarmed. They did arrive with the oven, we just have to keep them in the drawer, away from those cute little fingers that like to turn and twist! All together, it is a pretty cool oven/stove. The stove part can either have a griddle down the middle (!) or be regular, large burner.

And the best part is....(drumroll please!) It heats up to the desired tempature!
And then it stays there until you turn it off!
I kind of forgot ovens were supposed to do that! ;)
And yes, those are sticky little handprints on the door.
They kind of come with the territory!
Thanks again Fairy Godmothers! We made Father's Day extra special because of the breakfast and Snicker's Cake we could make him!