Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Big Week

Brayden has had one pretty incredible week. He has learned to smile (not from gas!) and it is the most beautiful, heart melting thing I have ever seen. Angie came to visit this week and when we took him to the doctor, we found he ways just over 10 pounds! That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight. And monumentally, Brayden had his first plane ride (he even recieved his wings!). Two of them actually. We drove three hours to Bozeman, hopped on a plane, laid over in Denver and took a much bigger plane to Sacramento to meet Kim's little slugger, Orson (

Brayden was a little angel during his flights. He fell asleep as soon as we hit the runway and didn't wake up again until we were in Denver. And we certianly had Grace on our side! Everyone was so helpful, from the TSA agent who folded the stroller, put it through the x-tray maching and popped it back open afterwards, to the pilot who pushed the stroller down the walkway for us (Bozeman's airport is just as small as Great FAlls' airport). Brayden even had some international influence from the Aussie who helped me hold onto him when we hit an air pocket and then carried Brayden's bag off the plane. The flight attendant on our second flight moved us to a more "private" seat assingment that was surrounded by ladies so that I could feed him, and the girl we were sharing a row with didn't even puke when Brayden blew out his diaper and I changed him on the seat between us. :) We are now safely in Sacramento, and I will post pictures as soon as we get home!

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