Sunday, September 28, 2014

For the "memories" file

The other day I was thinking , "Gosh, I am surprised we haven't had a broken bone yet.  We sure are doing well!"

Less than 24 hours later, Miss Charlotte is in a sling with a broken arm.  BOO.

And we got this note from Brayden's teacher this weekend:

"Jeremiah and Kelley,
I just wanted to check in with you regarding Brayden and how he has been doing in kindergarten. 
He walks in with a smile each and every day, he is a hard worker, kind and helpful to his peers and an all around great kid. Each day I enjoy getting to know him a little more. Some things we are working on are writing his name the 'Kindergarten Way' which is using one upper case letter at the beginning and the rest lower case. 

I hope Brayden is enjoying kindergarten. Have a wonderful weekend."

Ah, kindergarten.  :)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The First Day.

Brayden had his very first day of kindergarten this year.

He was very, very excited.

When I woke him up, he was asleep with a smile on his face and then awake with a smile on his face.

We had him all prepared.  We read the Kissing Hand (and he thought it was so sweet of auntie deandra to send him a book and how much she must love him to give him a kissing hand...sheesh!), and his lunch was ready, his bag was packed.

He asked me to send his Daddy a message of his kissing hand.
Then it was time to say good bye (WAHHHHHH!).

Bye Jack!

By Charlotte!  Open your hand, so you can have a kissing hand, too!

Then it was time for the bus!

Come on bus!

And off he went.

I did follow the bus, and make sure he got in okay, and found his teacher.
He looked so small sitting against the wall with the other kindergartners, waiting to head to class.
But he saw me, and I kissed my hand, and he was immediately better.  Reassured.  Then I tickled his cheek and went to wait at home with my lost little Jack William (who did better than I thought he would, but still wasn't hungry for lunch, even).