It's the season of sharing;
here is what that looks like at our house...
We have been doing everything we can to entertain ourselves in this heartbreakingly snowless winter. We have had reading budies,
laughed at Rowdy Cat (one of our new barn cats) as he pounced on sticks while shaking the some of the few snow flakes from his frozen paws,
painted each other's faces while we crafted,
and then I let them do things like this...
Grizzly especially loved it.
And things like this...
We pulled the mattress out of Jack's crib and I let them jump on it.
Somehow, after all this time, Grizzly finally found his way back to sleeping in our bedroom. He used to do that in Montana, but we never let him do it here. Now that he is only allowed upstairs (that is SO much dog hair all over the house-best to confine it!), he sneaks in our bedroom when he thinks we are sleeping.
Then Grandma Karen and Pappa George sent Brayden and Jack a Christmas Miracle.
A trampoline!!!
We set it up in the living room downstairs.
You should hear them laugh!
Sorry about the pictures!
I am still trying to win a digital SLR on the Pioneer Woman like my old non digital SLR...its just taking me a long time to beat out the other 30,000 people who try to win it.
Hooray for Christmas Miracles!