Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hiking at Lake Rebecca

We've decided to do some more exploring around our area (it really helps when we are missing the mountians!). Now that Brayden stays up until 7:30 or 8 at night, it isn't so much of a race to get home, make dinner, do the dishes, give him a bath, read a book (do a nebulizer treatment), and quick throw him into bed. You wouldn't think a half of an hour would make so much of a difference, but for us, it totally does (just in time to add another sleeper into the mix! oh well, newborns sleep anywhere). We have been enjoying Lake Rebecca the most.

One day we decided to try out Auntie Deandra's hiking pack, and that was our first evening at Lake Rebecca. We loved it. Then, we found the GIANT playground, made to look like it was made out of logs! We love that too, though we haven't spent much time there so far.

Then, we found the Lake (I know, you would have thought we'd have found that first). We usually go after dinner, when the humidity loses some of it's oppresive force (the heat index has been up over 100). And Brayden walks right in. Up past his knees, past his diaper and we have to grab him before he's up to his armpits! And then we kick and float, and blow bubbles and let the fish nibble at our toes.

For a southeastern suburban girl (who would never admit this otherwise), I love the area we live in! Between the clear lakes with the great beaches, the apple orchards and farmer's markets surrounding us, I have to say, the northwest metro rocks!!!

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