Tuesday, October 7, 2008

24 weeks pregnant

Well, this past week has been very exciting. We met with and hired our Doula, Carmen Roberts. She is a labor and delivery coach and will advocate for us during the time we spend at the hospital...with Jeremiah and I being so picky about the things that we want and Great Falls being a community that is a little behind the times, we thought it would be smart to have someone help us through the process. The great thing is, at all times she works for us, never for what is convienient for the hospital or doctor on call, so we are pretty excited.

We also spent Sunday celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary in Helena. We saw a movie and had dinner and did a little maternity shopping. We also found a really cute little carousel and we were the only two people in the shop, so we had it all to ourselves. Jeremiah even picked up a book to start reading to the baby...One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. The baby seems to like it...it is one of the few times our little kicker is calm. :)

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