Learning to hold up 3 fingers is hard! |
A new bike! A red bike!
And a fishing pole!
Done with dinner!
We celebrated him on his actual birthday on Saturday and again with his cousins and Auntie Danielle, Auntie Meg and Uncle Tim on Sunday at the zoo.
In November it is pretty cold here and today it was about 20, so we had a lot of the zoo to our selves, which we loved. We got up close with a lot of the animals, who were pretty active. We saw a lot of the monkeys. We saw camels, wild horses, a pile of sleeping but not hibernating bears, lynx at play, prairie dogs, the tiger, penguins and all kinds of critters. But the best one was the leopard. He was moving around by the glass, undisturbed by the large, loud pack of human juveniles who were watching him and shrieking, laughing and enjoying their celebratory selves. When we had moved just a few feet away, we heard him start to cough up a hair ball-large cat style.
Rurgh, rurgh, rurgh, rughr, rughr. So we rushed back to watch him roar over and over again. It was pretty cool. Rurgh, rurgh, rurgh. Then our loud pack of littles was back in front of the glass, quietly fascinated by up close his antics. In the middle of a RURGH (not quite a roar, not quite a cough), he looked up, made eye contact with five little boys and sheepishly stopped mid Rurgh. We all burst out laughing at the embarrassed look on his face and his hasty retreat to the back of the enclosure. It was hilarious! I don't think the kids will ever forget the leopard and his hairball.
At the zoo with Unc Tim.
Birthday cupcakes
Lil Devil and Auntie Danielle
Warm baby on a cold day...soon to be sleeping!
Linc and the fisher
Wing Span
Here are a few pictures of our sweet baby boy over the last year.