Thursday, September 12, 2013

First Day of Preschool

B had is first day of pre-school.

He didn't want us to walk him in.  So the three of us just walked him to the door and chatted with his assistant teacher... who told me I could hand in his paperwork to his the class room! So we walked him all the way in and helped him do his attendance chef's hat (he has to find his name and put it in the envelope so his teacher knows he is there).  We got to chat for a few minutes, hand in his paperwork and he was off, ready to paint and play.  I hugged him tight and turned him loose.  And then Jack, Charlotte and I went out the door...Jack and I were both a little bit teary leaving "brudder" behind.

And then we picked him up to take him home.  He gave me the biggest, tightest hug!  Which brought me to just a few more tears.  We quizzed him and quizzed him on what he learned.  He just kept saying "nothin.  We just played, guys."  Oh.  Okay.  

But then he told us that they were quiet.  That they had to practice being quiet.  That they had to listen.  That they had to be quiet a lot.  When he told his daddy about pre-school, that is what he remembered the most, because that is what he told Jeremiah, too.  A couple of times.


I just might love pre-school.  :)

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